Monday, August 19, 2019

What Is Colonoscopy With A GoPro?

Pre-surgery, 2019. Fashion innit.
Hi, I'm Jamie. At age 2 I was diagnosed with Crohn's disease, and later liver disease as well as bunch of fun additional things like depression and anxiety. I've been more or less serially unwell for about a decade now, from roughly Year 5/6 until now. I didn't complete high school due to my health. I missed out on honestly most of my education and had to make do and educate myself a bit.

I've had surgery twice in my life, once in 2013 to remove half of my colon, and earlier this year to correct that surgery. I've had more blood tests than I can count, and gone through more colonoscopies and MRIs, MREs, and prescriptions than anyone probably cares... to count.

I'm now officially an "adult" who is enjoying all the benefits of not having a full education and living with Crohn's. I was often told when I was younger I was good at talking to adults due to my numerous experiences with doctors and medical professionals, and also told quite often by all sorts of people to write about my experiences.

My aim is to use colonoscopywithagopro to share stories of growing up with Inflammatory Bowel Disease and what it's like to live through your crucial development years mostly unwell. I want this blog to resonate with 13-17 year-olds suffering with not just IBD, but any chronic illness. We're often invisible and unnoticed by greater society, but go through so much crap that we have to keep quiet.

I'll be sharing my fun, sad, and weird anecdotes from nearly 20 years of dealing with the world of chronic illness. Such fun stories as having a procedure done so wrong it took a team of medical professionals 3 attempts to get a drip line in, or the amazing nurses I've had over the years, or stories from the most arrogant of surgeons.

If you're keen to hear my stories, please follow this blog via idk... methods? Follow me on twitter at @jamie_dunkin to hear when I make a post or to hear me ramble about football.

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